Maternity Dress

I made a dress.

I know that I generally seem pretty crafty on this blog, but I am no seamstress. Until recently I’ve been completely freaked out by sewing machines in general. So this is my first actual article of clothing that I sewed myself. And it’s kind of cheating, because I used a t-shirt for the top. But I still sewed the skirt and tie by myself and attached it to the t-shirt. So I’m pretty proud of myself.

And let me tell you, if you own a sewing machine and can sew moderately straight lines, you can make a dress like this.

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Elephant Onesie

Last week was a really busy week. Good, but busy. One of the things that went on last week was a baby shower. Yay, babies!

So, of course, I had to make something. The parents have decided to wait until the baby is born to find out its gender, so I had to keep the onesie neutral.

Their registry looked like they were going for a jungle theme for the nursery, so we put a gift together to match. One thing we got for them was a crib sheet that had a green elephant with a blue ear, and it was the perfect addition to the otherwise lion & giraffe-heavy gift.

It’s funny, because I was already planning to make an elephant shirt for the other big event last week, so I ended up making 2 elephants, but they’re very different. More on that one later.


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Chubby Little Snowman

It’s winter.

It’s cold.

I have a toddler.

Needless to say, we’re running out of indoor activities. If you’re having a similar experience, I have a little fun project for you.

Little Man goes to an ECFE music class every week, and this is something the teacher has done a few times and LM thinks it’s awesome, so we decided to re-create it at home and share it with you. Plus this is simple enough a toddler can help make it. Continue reading

Busy Book Pages 7, 8, 9 & 10

Ok, I was going to do these pages two at a time, but I’m going to be honest with you. I am so sick of writing about this busy book. I mean, I was so excited to show it to you at first, but since I can only manage to get out 1 or 2 posts a week, it’s just been dragging on. And I don’t want it hanging over my head anymore. I want to post about Christmas stuff now. So here are all the rest of the pages with instructions.


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Busy Book Pages 5 & 6, guys. These busy book posts just keep coming. ;)

Hopefully you’re not getting sick of them yet. But this marks the halfway mark! So many pages…

I promise I’ll do a not-busy book related post this week, too, for those of you who couldn’t care less about busy books & how to make them.

I also have an update to make to the first page, since something broke & I had to do a little redesign. I’ll get that up as soon as I get to it. Which could very possibly not be until after Christmas at this rate.


ANYWAY. Continue reading