A New Look

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for stopping by. As you can see, we’ve made some changes around here. I felt like a fresh start was needed, so I’ve been spending the last couple months changing things up!

This blog also has a new domain– byambershands.com— That’s right, we dropped the “.wordpress” so we’re easier to find. If you use the old url, it will redirect here, so no worries!

Additionally, I finally figured out how to put a printable recipe section in my posts (I know, I’m so very far behind the times!) and so I’ve been going back and adding them to my old recipes. I haven’t gotten to all of them yet, so if you see a recipe that you’d like a printable for, send me a line and I’ll move that one to the top of the list! You can send my a message from the About Me page.

I hope you enjoy this fresh new look! Thanks for all the love, friends!

A Note

I was planning to write a regular post today, but it always seems a little frivolous after a tragedy like the one in Boston yesterday. I realize that there are catastrophes such as this occurring daily around the world. I guess this one hits me closer to home because it’s in my country. My heart goes out to the victims and their families, as I’m reminded once again that life is short.

Let us all be grateful for what we do have, with an understanding that nothing in this life is permanent. It seems that each of us is only a phone call away from the overwhelming grief that many are feeling now. We all have to take the good with the bad, but with a focus on the good we can live not in fear but in hope. And my prayers go out to those who are too much in the middle of heartbreak to see hope, that someday their hearts may heal.

Today, I count my blessings, as I try to do every day. And I pray that others may be able to do the same. I hope that my eyes may be open to how I can help those around me as we all try to make it through this unpredictable life.

Peace be with you.

Birthday Card for A Father-in-law


I have my computer back. Momentarily.

I say that because I picked it up last night only to find that this morning, it was still doing all the things I had brought it in for.

They wiped it clean and reinstalled the operating system, and such, and I still haven’t reinstalled some things, such as my photo-editing software. So, I apologize that these pictures aren’t as great as they could be.

I made this card for my father-in-law a while ago now, but haven’t had a chance to blog about it yet. So here it is. :)

Continue reading

Ugh, continued.

Ok, so we brought my computer in to the computer doctors, and they had to check it into the computer hospital. And that was Saturday and I still haven’t heard from them. So I’m hijacking the husband’s computer to let you know that I don’t know when I’ll be back online with new posts. :(  Hopefully it won’t take long, but if they have to mail it out, I’m not sure how long that could possibly go. As soon as I get it back, I’ll be posting about awesome things again, including the monster sugar cookies I’m making this week!

Love you all! Keep checking back, and I promise you’ll be rewarded. :)